Saturday, August 3, 2013

I'm a serious designer

I know that my Singing time visuals are not up to store quality. Most of them a rush and put together in about fifteen minutes total and they look like 15 minutes of work.
Back in February I started my hand and creating digital scrapbooking kits.
I opened my first store in April. And a second store last month.
I had no plans of opening any other stores until two weeks ago I saw a Designer Call to one of the larger stores that also has a forum. It has been my goal to get into a store like this (I was thinking it would take me at least a year or maybe two). I couldn't let an opportunity pass like this and applied.
I then got word that they were accepting my application and sent me a contract. 
So the last two weeks has been CRAZY insane getting a store ready to open Aug 1st. There were times that I didn't think I could make it. I had already been working like CRAZY to get my daisies and dimples store open and days after that opening I am starting out preparing for a another store opening.
Opening at a new store is a lot of work and opening at Stuff to Scrap has been even more so. 
With all stores you have to package your product for their stores. Each store has their own outward packaging requirements and size restrictions that can be uploaded. In addition to that, STS requires that you have EVERY product that is put in their store to go through an intense Quality Control process. For the most part I like that I know it was looked over by someone not me. Sometimes they catch stupid things that I have been looking at for weeks and didn't catch because I was just burned out. But it also creates a ton of stress and extra work.  All the extra work is worth it- just very time intensive. And as my husband points and when we talked about the pros and cons for us- once you do all that work its not like you have to do all of it over again. Doing my responsibilities on the site will be more work too. But I have wanted to work at a site with an active forum. This is a big step for me. For the time being I am going to be managing three stores. A some point I will close one of the other two, but we'll see. I don't even know which one I am going to close yet. That is about six months down the road. I am loving designing. Selling your designs is not a "get rich quick" way of life. It will be a while before I'm in the black, as long as I can keep my own habit of buying things curtailed. I am excited to see where this is going to lead me.

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