In preparing for a sub (especially a sub who might not know all the songs we’re learning this year), I went back to the idea I had for “I Lived in Heaven” and a suggestion that another chorister on a blog had- to make a binder with all the songs for the year in it. I figure if I use the same pictures that I used to teach them with that when it comes time to review they will be quicker to their memories. Last year I was so stressed with re-teaching songs because it was as though they had forgotten all the songs they learned at the beginning of the year (I was put in this calling in Aug). This way I can pull it out throughout the year and remind them, and then use it to quickly re-teach when it comes time to review. I hope that having a game plan will make it less stressful. So while preparing for a sub while I’m out for maternity reasons, I’ve also been spending a great deal of time recollecting and printing all the pictures I have used to teach songs to put into this binder. I still have to not completed “My Eternal Family”, but I’ve put together my pages for April’s song- “My Redeemer Lives”. For “How Firm a Foundations” I gave up trying to find my own pictures since I hardly had any pictures anyway, but instead printed another chorister’s flip chart from her blog. So far the pages look really good. I kept this in mind also while I was making the pages for May’s song “Baptism”. I foresee this book being really handy to hand a sub, and throughout the year for relearning when needed. Also I copied/printed all the songs for the year out and placed in sleeves, into the front of the binder. I use them rather them rather than the primary book to learn the songs myself while preparing, and for leading the music in front of the children.
I'm an Arizona Girl. I can't say that I don't love the Mountains of Utah or Colorado, or that I don't miss the perfect white beaches of Northern Florida, but the desert is a different kind of beautiful that I never want to leave. Blog Purpose: to keep our friends updated on our life and to share ideas as my ward's Primary Chorister
Thursday, April 30, 2009
Sunday, April 26, 2009
Planning Ahead for the Inevitable
Planning ahead can be a burden. I try to normally plan ahead so that I can share my ideas, but my mind works best the closer I get to something. I don’t know how many Sundays I’m going to be out after having this baby. I’ve planned out the whole month of May –just in case.
April 26th (today)- I’m putting today on here because it was a good focus activity idea and I totally didn’t think of it myself but a former primary chorister told me it was her old stand-by, and after she told me I had a “duh moment”, play hot and cold and sing that month’s song over and over. The down side was that they were so rowdy today that we stopped playing the game early, it wasn’t the game, it was just something about today.
May 3rd- Start teaching May’s song “Baptism”, and continue working on our Mother’s day song. Since I’ve already posted how I’m planning on teaching “Baptism” I’m not going to waste space here. Instead please refer to my post on Thurs April 23rd.
May 10th- Review May’s song “Baptism”. After the song has been reviewed sufficiently, play hot potato/ quite mouse while singing the song. You can only pass the bean bag to someone singing well. If you are not singing (including talking or hollering for the bean bag) or if the bean bag is in our hands when the song ends, you have to sit down and sing from your chair.
May 17th- Maze game with Verse Challenge: Back in November I made a maze, I suggest to everyone to make their own maze and have it laminated (check with your local Staples-like-store for the max dimensions they will do, also sign shops have larger dimensions if you want a larger maze, I took mine to a sign shop, I wanted it was large as possible). I originally made the maze to have multiple ways to get through it because I wanted the children to be able to choose different paths. This time I made little envelopes (found a sample small envelope, traced it onto construction paper, cut it out and glued it). In each envelope is a verse of a song we have learned so far this year. As the children travel through the maze they come to an envelope and get to identify what song the verse belongs to, then everyone together gets to sing that verse. I would suggest that if you still have time after one pass through the maze, take all the remaining envelopes, move them around in the maze and start at the beginning again. This can also be done by taking any picture, having a line from a song, a number that will identify which song the piano is to play for them to guess, or just the name of the song. For going through the maze I have a little boy and a little girl with magnets on them, but any picture or toy that the children will identify as something that can move will work (car, train, stroller, or bee/bug). Again I highly recommend the maze, the kids respond well to it and it’s the easiest stand-by activity to hand a sub.
May 24th- Tic Tac Toe: I originally was going to put the verses on the back of the tic tac toe pieces but then decided they would go better in the maze. How we are doing tic tac toe- I just made a large tic tac toe board (16X16) along with some X’s and O’s. On the back of each X or O, I wrote a song name that we’ve been working on OR just a fun song to sing. I am going to split the room into two (most likely left side vs. right side), I’ll have a child come up and pick one of the X’s or O’s depending on which team they are on. They will then get to place it on the board, and everyone will sing the song that is on the back. If you wanted to make it more competitive, you could have them name that song and if they don’t get it right the other team gets to try to name it. But again I am trying to keep it simple for the sub.
May 31st-I lucked out its Stake Conference.
That takes me to June, and I’m already starting to work on preparing to teach “Seek the Lord Early.” Maybe if this baby comes closer to my calculated due date then I’ll be able to plan it before this baby comes. I’m not planning on taking all these Sunday’s off from church, but I will need to take off at least one or two for healing, and if there are any complications I might need more, so it’s best to try to be prepared. After all we are promised if we are prepared we have no need to fear. My next goal is to make some meals that will store well so I won’t need to cook or relay on someone else to cook. But first things first. My plan is to take the lessons and put them in the primary closet so they are already at church for the sub.
Yesterday I went to Sherman Williams picked out a paint color (Jamaican Bay) and painted 4 fish on the wall. I was quite proud of myself. I couldn’t find a stencil that I liked so I bought a blank stencil sheet, traced on a fish and cut it out with a razor. They turned out really cute. So I am one step closer to being ready for this baby to decide he is ready.
Thursday, April 23, 2009
Teaching: Baptism (May's song)
I'm trying to get things prepared for while I am out after having the baby. I've been meaning to do this for a while but between packing to move, moving, and unpacking- I haven't had a chance to get ahead. For May we are doing the song baptism. I know its a cheating but we are only going to do the first verse. I am suggesting to the Primary President that they make the other verse, special numbers for maybe a class to do, but as an entire primary we are only learning the first verse. I'm trying to keep it simple, especially since I may not be teaching it myself.
- Jesus came to John the Baptist-- Jesus, John the Baptist
- In Judea long ago--Map of Judea
- And was baptized by immersion--Baptism(color) Baptism (coloring page)
- In the river Jordon's flow--Jordon River
Wednesday, April 22, 2009
No Baby Yet- not concerned
Sunday, April 19, 2009
Singing on Mother's Day (no baby yet)
Tuesday, April 14, 2009
More Baby
Monday, April 13, 2009
Easter Sunday Singing Time
I wanted to do something special for singing time and Easter. But I really struggled finding something that would still allow me to continue teaching "My Redeemer Lives" (Hymn 135, our choice for the April song). We already lost one Sunday for teaching because of General Conference. So I didn't want to loose another Sunday just doing something fun for Easter. So for the last two weeks I agonized over what I should do. Well, I had started to resign myself to continuing teaching the song, after all I only taught the first verse in JR primary (not because they were having a hard time picking up the song, but sacrament meeting really ran over and we had such little time we only learned the one verse) and in SR we learned the 1st and 2nd verse- but that was two weeks ago. Saturday night, really late, I came up with an idea. Easter Idea
- Take a picture of Christ, and made a puzzle of it. I printed it off of the church website. I printed 2 pictures- one for each primary group.
- For JR I made only the puzzle of 5 large pieces. SR primary I made the puzzle with 9 pieces.
- Each puzzle piece had a song written on it and was put into a plastic Easter egg.
- Each egg was taped under a chair in the primary room.
- My Redeemer Lives, JR- had an egg for the 1st vrs and an egg for the 2nd vrs. When we got to the verse I had not taught yet-we learned it then.
- Popcorn Popping
- How Firm a Foundation- only the first verse
- I Lived in Heaven- 3rd verse only
- For SR we did a few more songs and verses.