Thursday, January 10, 2013

December 3rd Week

Week three started out busy and ended busy. Isn't that always the way this time of year. 
First we have a wild boar roaming around our neighborhood. We've sort of been given permission to have a big roast (by the AZ department of Agriculture) if it comes around again (but it has to be done with a bow and arrow since we live in a residential  At first I thought it was a javailna. Since its big and pig like and those tusks. Didn't even know we have boars in the area.
We went up to Mesa on Tuesday and spend the rest of the week with my family. 

On Thursday night we had our family Christmas eve traditional stuff since we were going home Christmas Eve morning. Two of my brothers even brought their current girlfriends- which is new because none of them have done that before.
We did our traditional Nativity telling/reading and had the children act it out. Don't be fooled by the calm Mary and Joseph. Not long after this photo Mary was threatening Joseph's life with the baby doll.

Just too cute not to include. 
We had a play date on Friday with JoJo.

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